Hunting October Deer With O’Neill Williams
It is getting close to prime time here in the south. This month we decided to interview one of our locals here in Georgia about how he is hunting this month into November, O’Neill Williams of O’Neill Outside TV and radio programs.
Taylor: Hi O’Neill, thanks for joining us to answer a few deer hunting questions. Right now we are in the Pre-Rut stage of the hunting season. What is your strategy for hunting Pre-Rut?
O’Neill: To see Whitetails and become familiar with their migration habits, when they travel and where, the focus is on the food source be that source a food plot, oak grove, etc. I will visit the stand in full camo and visit early and late just like on a hunt day. I never go to the same place more than three times in a row and will often change at mid-day to a different area from the early spot.
Taylor: When will you change your strategies to focus on the rut?
O’Neill: The Whitetail behavior is the physical presence of the rut with small bucks beginning to chase. However, the rut is extremely predictable. It’s exactly the same time as the previous season. During those days, my strategy changes in that I will stay in the stand all day but never more than two days in a row.
Taylor: What kind of spots will you hunt pre-rut?
O’Neill: Same as #1 above, food sources and evidenced routes in and out of the food source. History has it that the food plot is not the beginning food source, it’s acorns. When they are frozen a few times and spoil or are absent by way of having been eaten, then the food plot I planted comes into play.
Taylor: How often do you check your cameras this time of year?
O’Neill: Twice weekly, but not in the last three days prior to the first hunt.
Taylor: What are you looking for on your trail cams?
O’Neill: Timing of visits. If all the evidence indicates middle of the night photos, I’m not encouraged. Again, my cameras are generally focused on food sources and the length of the visits there.
Taylor: How do you pattern deer during the pre-rut? How does this change as they begin their search for available does?
O’Neill: I place myself in the area where the does have been frequenting. After all, during the pre-rut and rut the bucks are looking for the does also.
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