7 Questions on Mule Deer Hunting with Chad Schearer
This week we met with Chad Schearer to discuss mule deer hunting. He outfits in his home state of Montana, guiding hunters for trophy mulies.
Taylor: Many of our readers are Whitetail hunters, so preparing for them means setting out cameras and planting food plots. How do you prepare for Mule Deer season?
Chad: Mule Deer are more difficult to pattern than whitetails, though they will consistently stay in a particular range during the early season. Movement will increase during drastic weather changes, the rut and hunting pressure.
Taylor: What kind of areas are you looking for before season to hunt during season?
Chad: Scout areas away from pressure. Big mule deer bucks will move away from pressure. Find areas that are more difficult to get to yet have good food sources and cover. Different states have different season dates which determine where to look for bucks. Early season the bucks are still in bachelor herds until they transition into the rut.
Taylor: What is your most important equipment for scouting for Mule Deer?
Chad: The number one piece of equipment would be good optics. You want a good set of high power binoculars like a 10×50 or 12×50 and a good spotting scope. Secondly I would have to say a good GPS is a must for property boundaries and finding water sources and cover.
Taylor: What factors will determine the areas you hunt during early season Mule Deer hunting?
Chad: Water is a huge factor for early season mule deer. The weather is typically warmer and deer need water. Also, as temperatures rise they will head towards the shade. Rock walls and north facing slopes are where the bucks will go to beat the heat.
Taylor: How do you determine which bucks you will hunt?
Chad: One of the biggest fallacies with mule deer is it is all about width of the rack. Though width is important. The depth of the forks are equally if not more important. You only get one measurement for width and 26” vs. 30” is only a gain of 4”. If you have a buck with 4 points per side and each of them have an additional 4 inches per point like 8” points vs. 4” points that is a total of 32 inches gained compared to 4” of width.
Taylor: What is the most important thing to get done before Mule deer season starts?
Chad: Make sure you spend time scouting and you have a license for where you plan to hunt. Different states have different license deadlines. Get into shape and make sure your gear is in good working order. No matter what you use make sure it is sighted in and ready to go.
Taylor: Do you practice shooting before season?
Chad: Always! Make sure you know your guns and your ballistics. Know how the wind effects your bullet and what range your gun is effective to. Aim small, miss small.
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