Get Your Soil Tested Now!
Prepare your Food Plots for Deer Season
Summer is the year’s most depressing season for many hunters. Turkey season has just ended and that means another four months until deer season kicks back up again. Time to mow your grass, fish, and dream about hunting. But there are many things that you can be doing now to prepare your hunting land for next season. Food plots are growing in popularity for hunters. It will soon be time to start planting.
Prepare Before You Plant
But, before you start planting, you will need to test your soil. The pH and nutrient levels of the food plot need to be discovered. This will reveal how much lime and fertilizer you will need to work in to make your food plots successful. Tests are available from your local Ag extension and from companies such as the Whitetail Institute. In most cases, to get a soil test done, you will need to dig a small sample from under the sod level, put it in a bag and send it off to the testing site. Be sure to follow their instructions as well. The results should give you recommendations on what you should plant, how you should fertilize, and how much lime your plot needs. Follow these recommendations to ensure your food plots will be successful this fall.
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