Strategies to Kill More Turkeys with James Blankenbeckler of Open Season TV
This week we continue our turkey hunting series with James Blankenbeckler of Open Season TV. He’s been having a great year turkey hunting, so we wanted to see what his strategy is and where he enjoys spending his time in the turkey woods.
What kind of decoys do you use turkey hunting?
I’ve been using the inflatable hen decoys from Cherokee Sports with a quarter strut Jake. This combo has really been working well.
What is your strategy for calling in turkeys?
How I call really depends on where I’m hunting, the breeding stage the turkeys are in, and the pressure on the turkeys where I’m hunting. Generally I start out calling softly with yelps, clucks, and purrs; adjust your tactics according to the bird and situation. I have learned you can always get more aggressive in your calling, however if you start that way in pressured areas, you may scare birds off.
What is your favorite kind of call to use? Why do you like it?
I really enjoy using mouth calls. I have a variety for different tones and pitches. I love having my hands free and being able to control the loudness and switch calls fast. I normally have at least two calls in my mouth while hunting for this reason.
What is your favorite place to turkey hunt and why?
My favorite place to turkey hunt is in Kentucky. I have two good friends there that have really helped teach me to turkey hunt plus there is a great population of birds so it makes for all day action.
What has been the most memorable turkey hunt you’ve been on? Tell us the story.
My first turkey in Kentucky. We set up on an evening hunt on my buddies place on top of a hill in a huge field. This was my first experience using a full strut decoy. We had a bird come out into the field over 600 yards away. We made a couple yelps to get his attention. Once he saw the strutting decoy he turned and headed our way. He would go from running to walking fast to strutting but he covered that 600 yards in a hurry. He came straight in and gave us a show. I squeezed the trigger on my CVA Apex and he dropped instantly and never even flopped. What a rush and now I’m hooked on decoying turkeys and my Apex.
What is your favorite part about using the CVA Apex 12 gauge?
I’ve never seen a gun that patterns so well and, for lack of a better term, destroys turkeys. We have killed birds from 15 yards to 70 yards and the results are the same, “Dead Bird”. My confidence is through the roof while using it. I know if I’m on the bird it’s dead when I pull the trigger.
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