Turkey Hunting with Chuck Paddock of Open Season TV
This week we met up with Chuck Paddock of Open Season TV to talk about turkey hunting. We always love seeing his pictures, so I wanted to pick his brains a bit on what he liked most about turkey season.
Where is your favorite place that you have turkey hunted?
I love hunting turkeys in Kansas. It is a beautiful part of the country with plenty of willing turkeys. Nothing better than a group of fired up Rios coming to your call.
What species of turkey do you like to hunt the most?
My favorite subspecies of turkey to hunt are Rios. I love hunting the open country where you’ll see 10-20 gobblers on the same roost tree gobbling their heads off. The best part is when you get multiple gobblers coming in together. It gets your blood pumping for sure.
Tell us about the most memorable turkey hunt you’ve been on.
The most memorable turkey hunt I’ve ever been on was when my daughter killed her first turkey. She was 11 years old and the smile on her face was incredible. I think I was even more excited than her. It was also one of the biggest turkeys I’ve ever seen, weighing in at 32 lbs.
What load are you shooting out of your CVA Apex 12 gauge?
I personally use the Winchester Longbeard XR Turkey Load 3 ½” with 2 oz. #5 shot. The new buffering technology in those shells are incredible. I’ve patterned this load with the Apex to further than I would even dare take a shot on a turkey. For shots past 40 yards, this load can’t be beat.
What is your favorite part of using the CVA Apex 12 gauge shotgun?
It is a cannon, it has never let me down. The Apex throws incredible patterns and goes bang every time. Shooting it with the Longbeard XR shells, I know there is going to be a turkey flopping down range.
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